This test incurs an out-of-pocket fee, which must be paid at the time of collection unless a third party has been nominated to cover the costs.
If you nominate a third party, you must provide TML Pathology with a written statement (on letter-headed paper) or a pre-printed chain of custody form from the third party, clearly stating that they will accept responsibility for the payment.
The collection will not proceed without either payment or confirmation that a third party will cover the costs.
Medical and legal Drug Screen Testing requires us to perform strict documentation of the process.
Chain-of-Custody refers to the documentation process required for the results to be legally defensible if formally challenged.
This process protects the rights of the person undergoing a drug abuse test and minimizes the risk of allegations of specimen tampering and adulteration.
In order to ensure that a pathology test, particularly when performed for medicolegal requirements, meets the minimum requirements of the court or the requesting authority, we must positively identify the donor in such a way that identity cannot be contested. Photographic identification is the best and most widely accepted way to ensure this.
There is no point in performing testing on a sample if any findings can be dismissed on the grounds that the identity of the donor is uncertain.