You will also need to bring photo ID if you are having a test for any of the following reasons:
Your pre-testing instructions will depend on the test you’re having, but the most important thing to do is drink plenty of water before your test – unless your GP has given you a reason not to. This will make it easier for our team member to conduct your blood test.
In some cases, you may be required to fast before your test. This means you will not be able to eat or drink for a set period of time. Fasting is necessary for some tests because some foods and drinks can affect your results.
Your doctor will advise if you are required to fast for your blood test.
Download general fasting guide
These instructions should be adhered to unless advised otherwise by your doctor.
When taking your child for a blood test, it is a good idea to explain why the test is necessary, and exactly what is involved. Often bringing a favourite toy, book or colouring activity can help your child feel more comfortable.
Children over the age of 12 years can have their collection performed at any of our centres. For children aged from 1 to 12 years, we have specialised paediatric collection centres with collectors who have been trained in paediatric care.
To find one of these options – select “Paediatric Collection (0-12 months), (1-5 years), (6-12 years) from the “Any test” drop-down menu in the search criteria.
Please call the collection centre you plan to attend ahead of time and make an appointment.
Sometimes your child or baby may require a urine sample to be collected for testing. Please see Urine Collection (Paediatrics) below for further information.
Once the blood collection is complete:
Your pathology report will be sent directly to your doctor. Please make an appointment with your doctor to discuss results.
Rarely, patients may experience some bleeding, swelling, discomfort or bruising. Should this occur the following steps are recommended:
Discomfort or swelling around needle puncture site:
Excessive bruising:Rest the arm.
This test incurs an out-of-pocket fee, which must be paid at the time of collection unless a third party has been nominated to cover the costs.
If you nominate a third party, you must provide TML Pathology with a written statement (on letter-headed paper) or a pre-printed chain of custody form from the third party, clearly stating that they will accept responsibility for the payment.
The collection will not proceed without either payment or confirmation that a third party will cover the costs.
This test incurs an out-of-pocket fee, which must be paid at the time of collection unless a third party has been nominated to cover the costs.
If you nominate a third party, you must provide TML Pathology with a written statement (on letter-headed paper) or a pre-printed chain of custody form from the third party, clearly stating that they will accept responsibility for the payment.
The collection will not proceed without either payment or confirmation that a third party will cover the costs.
Medical and legal Drug Screen Testing require us to perform strict documentation of the process.
Chain-of-Custody refers to the documentation process required for the results to be legally defensible if formally challenged.
This process protects the rights of the person undergoing a drug abuse test and minimizes the risk of allegations of specimen tampering and adulteration.
To ensure that a pathology test, particularly when performed for medicolegal requirements, meets the minimum requirements of the court or the requesting authority, we must positively identify the donor in such a way that identity cannot be contested. Photographic identification is the best and most widely accepted way to ensure this.
There is no point in performing testing on a sample if any findings can be dismissed on the grounds that the identity of the donor is uncertain.
This test incurs an out-of-pocket fee, which must be paid at the time of collection unless a third party has been nominated to cover the costs.
If you nominate a third party, you must provide TML Pathology with a written statement (on letter-headed paper) or a pre-printed chain of custody form from the third party, clearly stating that they will accept responsibility for the payment.
The collection will not proceed without either payment or confirmation that a third party will cover the costs.
Medical and legal Drug Screen Testing requires us to perform strict documentation of the process.
Chain-of-Custody refers to the documentation process required for the results to be legally defensible if formally challenged.
This process protects the rights of the person undergoing a drug abuse test and minimizes the risk of allegations of specimen tampering and adulteration.
In order to ensure that a pathology test, particularly when performed for medicolegal requirements, meets the minimum requirements of the court or the requesting authority, we must positively identify the donor in such a way that identity cannot be contested. Photographic identification is the best and most widely accepted way to ensure this.
There is no point in performing testing on a sample if any findings can be dismissed on the grounds that the identity of the donor is uncertain.
This test incurs an out-of-pocket fee, which must be paid at the time of collection unless a third party has been nominated to cover the costs.
If you nominate a third party, you must provide TML Pathology with a written statement (on letter-headed paper) or a pre-printed chain of custody form from the third party, clearly stating that they will accept responsibility for the payment.
The collection will not proceed without either payment or confirmation that a third party will cover the costs.
This test incurs an out-of-pocket fee, which must be paid at the time of collection unless a third party has been nominated to cover the costs.
If you nominate a third party, you must provide TML Pathology with a written statement (on letter-headed paper) or a pre-printed chain of custody form from the third party, clearly stating that they will accept responsibility for the payment.
The collection will not proceed without either payment or confirmation that a third party will cover the costs.
During your visit, you will provide a urine sample under controlled conditions. A trained collector will guide you through the process to ensure compliance and test integrity. The test provides instant results, but non-negative samples may require further laboratory confirmation.
You must present valid photo ID and complete the required forms.
The collector will conduct the test on-site:
Both you and the collector must sign all relevant forms before the process is completed.
This test incurs an out-of-pocket fee, which must be paid at the time of collection unless a third party has been nominated to cover the costs.
If you nominate a third party, you must provide TML Pathology with a written statement (on letter-headed paper) or a pre-printed chain of custody form from the third party, clearly stating that they will accept responsibility for the payment.
The collection will not proceed without either payment or confirmation that a third party will cover the costs.
The collector will give you the instant device, which you will swab over your mouth until it is soaked with fluid. Do not suck or chew on the swab. If the test is “non-negative” and your company requires confirmation, then a second collection will take place, and these samples are sent to the laboratory. This will be at a further cost.
Your doctor has requested one or three samples of urine for examination. This test is very important to assess your health and will only give useful results if collected properly.
Normal body secretions may alter the results, so it is necessary to clean and dry the genital area thoroughly. Please follow these guideliness
A number of drugs including antihypertensive agents (blood pressure medications) and antidepressants may interfere with these urinary tests. Do not restrict or cease these drugs unless advised by your doctor.
You should ensure that your medications are being taken on a regular daily basis for the 3-4 days prior to and during the collection.
In addition, as illness can misleadingly raise the results of these tests, avoid collecting the sample during intercurrent illness (e.g., flu).
When testing for urinary 5-HIAA or serotonin, exclude from your diet all nuts and vegetables or fruit containing seeds for 3-4 days prior to and during the collection. This includes bananas. Some examples of foods to exclude are:
Your doctor requires you to collect urine over a period of several hours, your doctor will specify the required time.
10.00PM (DAY 1)
Empty bladder and discard the urine into the toilet. Pass all urine for the next 8 hours into the bottle.
6.00AM (DAY 2)
Next morning, empty bladder into the bottle. This will complete the collection.
Please Note: 8, 10 or 12 hours is usually an adequate and convenient period of collection but will depend on the specific requirements outlined by your doctor.
Your doctor requires you to collect urine in order to test for Chlamydia trachomatis. Before collection, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and dry the genital area, as normal body secretions may alter the results.
Make sure the pubic and genital areas have been thoroughly washed, and are clean, dry and free from powder. Wash your hands and open the paediatric urine bag. Remove the strip of protective paper on the bag, exposing the adhesive. DO NOT place your fingers inside the bag as this will contaminate the sample.
Position the wider part of the opening of the bag so that it covers the upper part of the genitalia, ensuring that the small end of the opening is applied firmly to the skin in the area between the vagina and rectum. Apply gentle pressure to the adhesive area to seal.
The wider section of the opening is placed under the scrotum, the penis inserted into the bag and firm pressure applied to the adhesive area to seal.
It is important to ensure that the bottle is kept upright at all times as some bottles contain corrosive additives.
Please ask for two bottles if you think that one will not be sufficient.
For example:
6.00am day 1
Empty bladder and discard the urine into the toilet. Pass all urine for the next 24 hours into the bottle.
6.00am day 2
Next morning, empty bladder into the bottle. This will complete the collection.
Your doctor has requested a urine sample for examination. This test is very important to assess your health and will only give useful results if collected properly. Normal body secretions may alter the results, so it is necessary to clean the area where urine is passed thoroughly. Please follow these guidelines.
Do not hesitate to ask for assistance.
Your doctor requested a urine sample for examination. This test is very important to assess your health and will only give useful results if collected properly. Normal body secretions may alter the results, so it is necessary to clean the area where urine is passed thoroughly. Please follow these guidelines. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance.