Breath Testing - Urea Breath Test

Your doctor has requested a Urea Breath test. This test involves the collection and analysis of exhaled air. This test is only performed at selected collection centres. Please phone your nearest TML Pathology collection centre to arrange an appointment.

On the night before the test:
  • you should fast (no food or liquids including water) for a minimum of six hours before the test
  • The test can be performed at any time of the day, and will take approximately 10 – 15 minutes
  • You will be required to swallow a capsule containing urea (carbon 14) on commencement of the test
  • At the conclusion of the test you will be asked to blow into a special breath collection balloon which is sent to the laboratory for analysis
  • No restrictions to physical activity before or during the test
  • No smoking or eating during the test

This test should not be performed on children and pregnant or lactating women (please speak with your medical practitioner).

Medication restrictions include:
  • No antibiotics for four weeks prior to test
  • No Losec, Zoton, or Somac for one week prior to test
  • No Cytoprotectives (sucralfate) for two weeks prior to test
  • For a full list of medication restrictions, please see our collection staff
  • Your doctor must be notified prior to temporarily stopping any medications.

This is a special test which is only performed at selected TML Pathology collection centres. To find a centre which performs this test select “Breath Testing – Urea Breath Test” from the “Any test” drop down in our Collection Centre search, or alternatively call (03) 6711 2000 (Launceston area) or (03) 6108 9900 (Hobart area).

Breath Testing - Urea Breath Test